Leadership Defined


There was a time when I believed in the democratic process. I knew it had flaws but I thought as most did. That fundamentally out of all the other political systems this was the least flawed. As most American’s are taught to fear centralized power and disdain power in the hands of one man I once disdained it myself. As fundamentally flawed the American republic may have become the ideal that the government derived its power from the people was a principle I held deep in my heart. As I look back now I see how flawed that opinion was. What I had failed to consider was the fact that any form of government derives its power from the people. A monarch only exists as long as his people do not send him to the guillotine. A dictator is only in power until he is betrayed by his comrades, or removed from power by the very people he claimed to protect, and nurture. Greater philosophers than I fundamentally understood this was the cycle of history. Our species yearned for a method of a peaceful transition of power. They fundamentally understood that power is something that corrupts absolutely, and taming it was vital for the stability and prosperity of society. What they couldn’t have foreseen was how sometimes power is needed to change the script of history. Now in the era of the western political system, there is only deadlock and corruption. As once it occurred in the Roman Republic it has happened once again. Laws have changed to help the few, and damage the many. Justice is no longer to protect and punish the unjust. Man is driven not by doing good in society, but by profit margins. A politician votes not for his ideals, but the sake of the next election cycle satisfying his donors, and his constituents at all costs. A system without foresight and long term planning has produced an incentive system that instead is based on quick solutions, pleasure, and denial. Thus a society whose only path is one of self-destruction. Mankind should not fear power, but respect it, and cherish the abilities it can bring. Those who rule should be intelligent, humble, and just. What is evident throughout history is the ability to rule has been all too often been given to those so easily corrupted that humanity becomes obsessed with negating it affects. Mankind painfully was forced to learn that the right to rule through bloodline was fundamentally flawed. In the 21st century, we are learning that giving people the sole right to select the rulers has its limitations. The ablest is not given power, but instead, it goes to those who will do anything for the sake of ambition. Do you want a leader who is willing to step on the throats of their peers to achieve glory? Or one who is willing to throw their principles away for the sake of increasing their political capital? The sad reality is that many who govern you now are exhibiters of such behavior. I dream of something more of something complete that can perhaps bring true stability and peace.

Let me first begin with the idea of the council of 13. A council not merely selected from peers, but also tested by trial. The greatest mistake democracy advocates for during our time is making us believe that voting was enough to weed out the unworthy. Something much more profound is required. A trial of character. It is paramount that above all else we test who will be given much responsibility, and the mantle of being one who leads. Society needs something that is beyond media propaganda, and favoritism. Instead what we need is something that is more performance-based. Which is why I propose a trial of character. If you are confused you should take inspiration from the story of Jesus, and when the devil tempts him. I propose a trial of similar ilk to be a part of our political process. What we need are leaders who exemplify our strengths, and who understand the right to rule is a burden, not a god-given privilege. Be wary of its control over the human heart, but a necessary evil sometimes is needed to guide the sheep that is humanity. Man needs ambition, because without it a man will not strive for improvement, but instead grow fragile and complacent.

Why a counsel? The fruit of this idea comes from my criticism of congress of having too many meaningless opinions with no proper recall for real action. That the topics of the everyday common citizens are not necessarily in the best interest of the public good. Representative democracy promotes short term thinking, and a lack of an ability to be bold, and innovative. The reason I specifically chose a small counsel is as a boy I was memorized about the legend of King Arthur and his knights. I found nothing nobler then brave skilled knights who were willing to defend their noble king. A king who represented the ideals of the people, and whose strength came from not merely his skills of the sword, but also understanding the balance between ruthlessness and having mercy. Leaders must be intelligent, imaginative, honorable, inspiring, courageous, and self-sacrificing.

I believe the following are the necessary attributes of a competent leader.

1. Intelligence
A leader must possess intelligence and not merely the kind of mathematics, and language. He or she must also possess the fundamental ability to understand both sides of the argument and different perspectives. Realizing that there are always unintended consequences for one’s actions. That power is a burden to bear that leads to unhappiness and sacrifice. Yet one does it because for the sake of others to be a symbol of humanity’s hopes, and ideals. As Bruce Lee once said “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” True knowledge isn’t knowing all the facts or scoring the highest on the exam it is understanding the patterns of history, appreciating life, and being humbled by science and the unexplained. In Chinese literature, there is a saying “Those who know do not speak, those who speak, do not know” this is the basis of this part of the trial.

I would propose the idea of asking the question of where there is no answer. Where the correct answer is silence or no answer at all. Examples include “What is the meaning of life? Or What existed before the universe? Fate or Destiny?” Those who try to answer cleverly are not humble enough to rule for they will in times of great trial believe that they have all the solutions. A smart ruler understands that even with strong morals, principles, and knowledge that alone is not enough to guarantee safety, and freedom in society. Those eager to explain how the world works, and have enough hubris to answer all of the burning questions of the human heart will use power without hesitation without recourse for those it damages. Thus only cruelty and suffering will follow. Intelligence is using knowledge as a guide, to love it, and admire it, but to understand the limitations of knowledge is fundamentally important also.

2. Imagination
One must possess perspective and flexibility. It is often those who become too dogmatic who are unwilling to accept the reality that causes the most suffering. It is important to have goals and dreams to aspire for. A leader must seek to improve his people protect them from harm, guide them from the corrupted path, and above all else lead them into a better future. Having foresight, and a clear vision of the long term future is vital especially since it is proven that humanity is a species that often thinks only of the short term. Those who govern should always build for the future even though it could all end tomorrow. The duty is not merely to public living today, but to the unborn children that have yet to breathe life. If we only live for ourselves nothing is separating us from beasts.

An example examination could be that the candidate is required to present a simple piece of writing explaining his personal experience, philosophy, and most importantly vision for the future. Those who judge do not necessarily have to agree nor critique but simply acknowledge its depth, and fruitful knowledge. If it is deemed worthy the trial is passed. A man who neither understands his past cannot understand the future. Leaders who owns no vision of what is come cannot be at the seat of power. You would not have a blind man conduct a motor vehicle then why would society want a commander who doesn’t appreciate the uncertainty of the future?

3. Honor
A man without honor is no man at all. Those who compromise their beliefs, and principles for the sake of money, and power are citizens unable to lead. If one is honest and true he or she can confront a world full of trials. Those who deceit, and lie like a snake are not those you can trust, but who would guide humanity to its destruction. If you cannot trust the integrity of those who lead a society without honesty and transparency there is no society. Once the people have mistrust and feel separated and fractured they no longer feel safe, and secure. So it is paramount that the public can trust their leader it is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with him or her. A clever citizen can have valid grievances and differ from opinion to their rulers as it is only natural for humans to do so. The dangers begin as I mentioned before when a citizen questions the credibility, and the good-willed nature of those who guide is where the problem arises.

To test a man’s honor a person must face his strongest temptations. A rigorous temptation such as an unconscious woman being placed alone with no one around if he acts on his primal instincts he is worthless as a man who abuses the weak is weak himself. On this front, the trials can be very diverse because honor means different things to different people, but the underlying premise remains. Only those with a sympathetic heart who have pure intentions that carry the weight of true honesty can be given the privilege of power. For this is not a mere corporation, or store shop but the lives of an entire nation.

4. Inspiring
If one can’t inspire once cannot gather the political will to achieve anything. History has proven that those with great charisma are the true wielders of history. Writers may have all the ideas, but orators are the ones who can epitomize these ideas and inspire action in the public. If one cannot connect with the people one cannot gain their confidence. They will not be willing to die and fight for the land of their birth. One can study how to perform great speeches, and appeal to the subjects, but it is those special people who can perform this seemingly and naturally, that must rise to the top of the cream. There is no straight forward exam for this attribute, but most people will know when they hear him speak.

5. Courageous
An individual who leads must be brave. He must rise above from the typical person who is governed by fear for he or she will need to have conviction without it there are only shallow ideals. One is defined by their actions more than their words. It is not merely the courage to act when no one else does, but it is also the courage to stand alone when all others demand action. The majority opinion is not always the right one. As a species, we have proven that the pack mentality is very prevalent and thus it is one of the reasons why representative democracy in its current form has failed us all. If those who lead and rule us are cowardly it is only logical that we see ourselves as cowardly. A culture in which the cowards, liars, and greedy win is not a culture with longevity. It’s no culture at all. Without a strong fundamental culture, there is so society. All of humanity is weak and fragile it is understanding this weakness, and fighting every day against it that there can be true order and peace. As the drunken man fights against the addiction of alcohol people must fight against the addiction against the easy choice, corruption, and evil itself. Lacking bravery will only give in to the fear, and once the fear takes hold there is only despair. Place a gun in a man’s hand and place a murder, rapist, or thief before this individual and have the crowd cheer for his death and humiliation. If the man gives in he is only a coward. It is important to listen to the people but condemning a man to death without trial or the prospect of rehabilitation is a coward’s choice. It is easy to make a choice when everyone agrees with you. A person who governs must respect the people, but must act of his own will for the responsibility was given to him to do so. The people must trust his or her judgment a trust that must be earned not expected.

6. Self-sacrifice.
This is the most important attribute. I see too often politicians who only cater to special interests. Filling their coffers full of gold, and not care of the greater consequence to the public. A proper leader must serve their subjects, not merely lead them. A ruler must think of the greater good and must understand that sacrificing a few to save the many is sometimes necessary. The whole must be protected and the long-term future and security must be always be kept into consideration. A leader must be self-sacrificing putting others above himself and is willing to give his life to the people. It is paramount that he or she has an intrinsic understanding that community bonds between families are vital for a healthy society. To value that, and protect the people from themselves to be the object of not only their affection but also their scorn. A true king is one who is loved but also envied. He must be able to take action and see them out to the very end. It is one thing to be a man of conviction, and pride but if one is unwilling to face the reality of their choices in the face of later consequences they are merely a coward. In my opinion cowards, and snakes cannot be given the right the rule. A ruler must also know in his heart that someday even with good intention that the people may come for his head. He must not fear it, but acknowledge, and accept the burden placed upon him. A man who is not able to place others before him is no one at all.

I have given you the characteristics in which I believe every ruler must have resonating in their heart. It is clear that 90% of humans wish to be leaders, or want to have strong leaders who they can believe in. Who they can trust to enact their interests, and protect the future of their children. Not many have the means to govern, and even fewer wish for the burden of this responsibility. It is a burden to have the wishes of an entire nation placed in the hands of the few. This is why the few must be strong, and with a will that cannot be so easily shattered with temptation.
After the council of 13 is formed there must be one who they pledge their allegiance to. The one king who above all else leads the council of the 13. Who’s duty is to keep relationships between the 13 peaceful, protect the nation’s borders, allow for culture, and art to flourish, and in times of war from a foreign enemy unite the country and have the strength to annihilate. He must embody the six attributes I listed before. In life, there are times to debate and think but there are also crucial moments when one must act and not look back. Having the resolve to act in the face of overwhelming fear is the definition of courage.

Too often in the modern-day society attempts to keep appease everyone. Yes, moderation is important in one’s life, and balance is critical to being a healthy society. Yet all too often legislation gets boggled up and inflated with meaningless pork because we try to cater to every interest.
The happiness of people should be the sole goal of the government.

Denmark and Immigration

In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith and who becomes an American citizen and assimilates himself to the nation, should be treated with the exact equality as everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for only one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.

Denmark has recently passed legislation to make their process of citizenship harder. I find this to be only natural as the influx of refugees begin to flood into Europe in which can only be described as the largest mass migration in European history. It is important for people to understand that common language, cultural ideals, and morality are important for a stable society. There’s no reason for nations to ignore the common bonds the people have among them. As long as there is a reasonable path of citizenship which are fair and reasonable. If there are those who deem them to be unfair then let them make their case. I find nothing unreasonable in having exams to determine aptitude. There are many who come to the west without such a stability who end up being usurping from the hard-working tax-paying citizens. Personally, I believe that future performance is more important than past performance. It’s when societies become too bloated with those who aren’t motivated, have a desire to learn, and are willing to take risks that society becomes stagnant. When those who believe they are entitled to the world, and who feel they are beyond reproach is when one knows that society needs a forceful shift of rejuvenation.

So what Denmark must be careful of is that their exams and qualifications are not excessive. If it ends up shutting everyone out than it is their loss. As a nation, they will decline and erode away if new blood is not allowed to challenge the old. Nature is not the only one who needs to continue to evolve and change functional societies need to as well. Only through this continuous “conflict” can we continue to evolve, and reach a higher form of humanity. It is the only way. Humanity must evolve to survive or it will reach its end. Denmark should be weary that these new laws don’t eventually become something that develops unintended consequences that impede future productive members of society from living in their country. The greatest national resource any nation has its people.

A Generation Sacrificed Is a Generation Lost

The west has sacrificed it’s future for it’s present. The youth struggle to find jobs, and a purpose in society while those already middle-aged and particularly the old have left the liabilities of the future at their feet. Thus placing a burden on a generation that cannot possibly honor that obligation, but since the old generation that is slowly dying off, and won’t care since they will soon be dead. Trade deficits, Medicare, Medicaid, and other future liabilities are just the tip of the ice berg. It’s easy just to crunch out the numbers, and cite the debt that is owed. The more worrying issue is that the political institutions that are suppose to be the stabilizers of society are radically in decay. So the current youth have inherited not only liabilities they cannot possibly repay but also political institutions that people cannot trust because they are either corrupt or inept. So let’s revise the story.

Young people cannot find jobs as easily as generations of the past, they cannot really trust their political institutions, and local government. They have been tossed responsibilities and liabilities they cannot even comprehend, or pay. This is starting to sound like a really bad nightmare. Yet is it the reality the western nations face, and in no surprise they have done absolutely nothing. The same message is just merely replayed “Just chug along and keep doing your best” this message is going to fall on deaf years as the years come by. Now I understand the argument that states that the youth of any country are disconnected from the real issues, and are for the most part the most ignorant. They would rather watch funny videos, and spend more time on their Instagram photos, but I will state that is the fault of the society and culture itself, and not the youth themselves. The society has poisoned the minds of the not only the youth, but across every generation. The logic here is “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it”. Yet very few realize that the world we live in today is broken. No system of government, or economic system is ever perfect, but when one generation is sacrificed for another when the wealth gap is large across most industrialized nations, and relationships between the world nations are fractured one can only imagine the worse. War is coming, but not only on the battlefield will this war be fought, but also in the heart and mind of every living human being on this planet. It is sad to see how this world as denigrated. The democratic process is a joke, people vote with their monetary interests most of the time.

Where have the principles gone? Where is the honor? Where is the decency? People don’t make their decisions on logic, or what they believe. It’s just one moment of pleasure to the next. It has fragmented our mind, and distorted the value system of everyday people. Many would have you believe that the craving for clothing, and luxury goods is natural yet people lived without it before their existence, and most probably could if forced to. Also why are there people who can live without the constant need of consumption? These “smart” intellectuals don’t often have answers to these questions. Society asks us to merely accept our role as a human machine. We are born ,we eat, we work, we consume, we reproduce, and we die. That’s the cycle which humans have been trapped in for generations. By understanding yourself you can live your life on you terms. By understanding human history from multiple perspectives you can help shape humanities future. The problems humanity faces in 21st century requires out of the box thinking. If we continue to be trapped humanity in the 22nd century will not be a humanity we can recognize.

American Empire is reaching its end

Empire and War

For this article, I will write about one of the reasons why the American Empire is ending.

Lets start with military power that is America. American military is fighting multiple fronts in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to a certain degree. The United States has military bases around the world and especially in potential war zones such as South Korea. United States has always back and supported her allies. This has come at a great financial cost. Capital had to be created and this debt was issued to maintain the superpower giant that is the United States. United States and in particular the West have special interests in oil rich countries, and strategic zones. All in order to maintain power and control, because having influence on natural resources such as petroleum or other mineral has historically brought wealth and riches to those in “control.” Especially those in power in the United States along with defense contractors, corporations, and the rest of the military industrial complex who have greatly benefited from this power structure.

Before during World War I and World War II factories, which built cars, would when required just build tanks and weapons for the war effort. This is no longer the case. The United States would later be in constant warfare against communism and the Soviet Union. Fighting in numerous fronts in Asia, Eastern Europe, and most importantly in the Middle East the USA is still in constant warfare, because for the military industrial complex peace is not profitable. As history has shown repeatedly that war and the use of power is what makes an empire well an empire. It is a creature of control. The military industrial complex uses the taxpayer’s money to fund their profits and has the wealth travel to not the soldier’s benefits but to the industries that produce weapons, armor, and other needed supplies. Halliburton is a perfect example of said corruption because it blatantly showed everyone that even construction could boom during wartime. These industries boom because of destructions and it still is not enough. They also of course the black market for even more cash. All for sake of profit. Wars are often fought for resources, power, influence, and wealth. For the United States, it was no different. They fought against their rival the Soviet Union and now they are fighting resource battles in the Middle East. These are all declared wars, but there are many hidden wars in play also.

Now if you are reading this you most probably already understand the moral, financial, and social costs of these wars. Perhaps you even recognize that these are “resource wars” for influence over petroleum. So, what are the consequences of this? Well as we have already seen, there is a growing hatred for not just America because it is the most recent western power to exert force in the Middle East. This increased hatred has lead to even more radicalism in the Middle East and more of the so-called “terrorism.” That has been the obvious consequence, but which could have dramatic implications for the future. The European nations have a long history of involvement in the area and with America just being an extension of this involvement; one would have to guess that eventually they would be a backlash. These are nations with illiteracy, poverty, and radical religion. Just add in corrupt government and social instability this sets up to be a “hot” situation. Especially with oil in play.

Perhaps we will see these Islamic nations overturn and become “democracies” if you could call them that. People in the developed world especially the West will see that having nations actually stand up for themselves (as radicalized or fascist as they can become) will not be beneficial to the dominant powers. This also includes Northern Africa also. Even though Libya is a particular unique situation, it still falls under the “it is an oil nation we need to stabilize the situation.” Now this part of the world will only grow more volatile with all the foreign involvement, social stresses such as employment, economic disaster, and other future disruptions. The future of these oil rich nations of these two continents does not bold well for “global peace” especially with the arrival of peak oil and a developed world that relies on petroleum and an emerging world that also has energy needs of their own.

What does this mean for the United States? Well with a weaken economy, moral, and allies in Europe who are not so willing to jump the gun. Along with more disruptions in the Middle East and Africa, one could easily foresee these situations getting out of control in a U.S perspective (obviously there are some who want Islamic nations to become a force of power once again). Lack of influence and control over the precious resource of oil would be disastrous for the country. Not only would it suffer economically, but also socially and politically there would be consequences. America would have lost its image as the world’s superpower and global empire. With no clear global power, one could only speculate what the future would hold. The loss of hard power in this region would be devastating for the empire. When great powers lose military power and influence, it is often marked as the end of an empire. True it does mark the end and people will start feeling the consequences of said events, but what is even more interesting is that if this alone was the issue the fall would not be so devastating. Yes, Americans would have to live with less oil and decrease its energy consumption, which would be difficult, but possible. The United States over reached and the cost has been immense. Not only in dollars, but also more importantly in blood of American Soldiers and those fighting on the other side and the innocent bystanders who were hurt in the process. Unfortunately, this is only but a small piece of the puzzle. There are even greater dangers that threaten the republic itself.

“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

George S. Patton